online reputation management services

When you Google your name or the name of your business, do you see negative reviews or damaging content?

These negative reviews and content are hurting you and your business everyday. Having helped hundreds of business professionals with their online reputation management, we know firsthand that many of these negative reviews can be fake or unecessarily harsh.

While search engine optimizing a recent client’s website, I came across negative review after negative review from patients that received excellent care, but were unhappy with parking or how hard it was to find their doctor in Durham’s largest hospital. Some of these patients had their lives saved by the doctor, yet they gave a 1 star review because parking cost them $2 an hour!

In another example, while getting North Carolina’s largest dentist to the top of Google, I found a handful of negative reviews that were clearly from a competitor trying to steal patients away from them.

Make no mistake about it, these negative reviews, whether fabricated by a competitor or unfairly bestowed by a customer, hurt your business.

How do you get rid of these negative and damaging reviews?

Negative reviews on sites like Rip Off Report, Yelp, Facebook, Yellow Pages, etc. only become stronger over time and because most of them are submitted anonymously, they are protected from deletion. They are with you and your business forever!

If you’re seeing these negative reviews on the 1st page of Google when you search for your name or business name, then you need to take action ASAP before they start climbing to the top of the search engines. Nothing will destroy your business more than having a negative review in the Top 3 results on Google, so be sure to take action as soon as possible by hiring a professional SEO firm like the Raleigh SEO Company.

We specialize in getting your name and brand back under your control by moving any negative reviews off of page 1 on Google. We do this by creating honest, factual information about your business and search engine optimizing the webpages this content is on so that it out-ranks the negative content.

How long does it take to move negative content off of Google’s 1st page?

Displacing negative content about you and your business is a difficult and time consuming process that takes months to see the benefit from. It can take as little as 4-6 months or can take as long as 9-12 months.

There are many different factors that must be taken into consideration in order to determine how long it will take. For example, how strong are the domain names and web pages that have the negative content on them? How strong is your website and your current online branding? How viral is the content you want to disappear?

Every client case is thoroughly evaluated on an individual case basis in order to determine how long it will take. To get started, please fill out the form below.

How much does online reputation management cost?

Similar to our answer above, the cost of moving negative reviews off of the first page of Google, by displacing it with new positive content, depends on a variety of factors.

First, we need to determine how much negative content there is and how powerful the websites are that house the content. Is it just one Rip Off Report or 4 different damaging reviews on Yelp, Yahoo Local, Complaints Board and Google My Business?

Next, we need to evaluate your own website and online branding. Do you have a powerful website with high quality backlinks or have you never had SEO work done on your site before? Do you have all the appropriate branded social properties in place? Do you have a Facebook page for each location of your business? Yelp page? Twitter? Google My Business? Yahoo Local? How powerful are these pages? Do they rank at all for your brand or will they need SEO work?

Contact Us To Get Started

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