We Build Revenue Generating Profiles

The days of ignoring social media marketing are over! There are hundreds of thousands of potential new customers on the major social media platforms, looking for companies just like yours on a daily basis. If you don’t have an active business profile on these social media networks, then you’re leaving money on the table.

We put an end to this daily revenue loss by securing your brand profiles on the major social media networks and then search engine optimizing them so that your customers can find them.

If you’re missing any of the brand profiles below, please contact us immediately so that we can secure and optimize them for you.

company social media profiles

Social Media Profile Creation Prices

We charge $375 per social media profile. This price is all based on the time, energy and resources needed to secure, brand and populate your social media profiles properly. On average, we spend 2-3 hours on each social media profile we create for you.

This involves researching the right brand name for your social media channels and seeing if they are still available and if not then determining a good second option. For example, if your own Acme Pizza, then our #1 goal will be to secure Twitter.com/AcmePizza for you, but if that is already taken, then we’ll spend the time necessary to find other options.

After we secure your social media profile, we then spend the time necessary to add your logo, a hero image, a short bio for your business, a link back to your website and then we populate the social media profile with several posts linking back to your most important pages.

Social Media & Business Profiles You Will Need

There are hundreds of social media profiles we recommend you secure, but here are the most important ones you should secure, brand and populate ASAP: