Organic Results Get Over 10x More Clicks Than PPC

According to Search Engine Watch, organic SEO continues to get more clicks than paid ads on Google, Yahoo and Bing.

  • 94% of search engine users click on the organic results, versus only 6% of people that click on paid ads.
  • The 6% that do click on ads are typically over 40 years old.
  • Of the 6% that do click on ads, only 2.35% convert into paying customers.

Real World Example:

  • 800 people search for “dentist durham nc” every month.
  • You can expect 6% of those people to click on your Google ad = 48 clicks a month.
  • 2.35% of those should convert into new customers = 1 new customer a month.
  • If you spend $3,000 a month on PPC and only get one new patient / customer a month, and each new customer is worth $10,000 over the lifetime of that customer, then you still have a 3X ROI, but it will of course take years to recuperate your PPC investment.

Organic Results Convert Visitors Into Customers 8.5x More Than PPC

According to Search Engine Land, the Top 10 organic results continue to convert visitors into customers far better than paid ads do. In fact, website visitors that clicked over from an organic listing on Google converted into new customers 8.5x more than those that come over via paid search.

  • Website visitors convert into new customers 8.5x more often via organic than paid search.
  • The data proves that website visitors give far more credence to organic results than paid ads, which makes organic rankings far superior to Google ads, which anyone can get up in less than 10 minutes.

Top 5 Ways SEO Is Superior To Pay Per Click Advertising

Online Marketing has become the most essential marketing medium for a successful business in North Carolina. If a business can successfully marketing their product or service online, they open many new doors to potential customers and sales leads. Most digital marketing consultants will suggest you pursue either Search Engine Optimization and Paid Online Marketing (like Pay Per Click). In the ideal world, a business would be able to adequately afford both PPC and SEO, but if you are like most businesses, you’re on a tight budget and need proof that SEO actually works and is truly better than Pay Per Click advertising.

While most Raleigh based businesses understand the importance of a professional looking, mobile friendly website, they don’t often know how to get their website seen by more customers. This is why most businesses turn to PPC, because they don’t have the SEO expert knowledge needed to get their website ranking at the top of Google. In the ideal world, businesses wouldn’t need paid search if they knew how to rank organically on the search engines, which is why the majority of business owners turn to me for help. Here’s what I tell them when they ask, “why do I need to invest in SEO when I can do PPC?”

The most common phrase I hear is “But everyone knows who we are and what we do” in relation to their business. This is just not true, or else each and every potential customer would already be begging to work with you, wouldn’t they? There is always room for growth and if you’re sell a product or service, then there’s always online marketing potential.

So, let’s explore why SEO is far superior to pay per click advertising and why the Raleigh SEO Company should be your #1 choice for your SEO agency.


SEO is a long term strategy for your online marketing. Should you implement pay per click or other paid online marketing, then as soon as you stop paying your bills to the advertiser, the traffic to your website stops. Although you pay for setting up an SEO campaign with an agency, often their other client’s results are so impressive it’s usually very compelling to just go with Search Engine Optimization instead. With SEO, should you stop paying for the refinements and improvements a good Raleigh based agency charges every month, you might only see a slight leveling off of website traffic.


With pay per click marketing you pay for every visitor delivered to your website whether they like your service or not. With Search Engine Optimization your website will hopefully appear high in the free search results and this will mean you do not pay for a click through to your website – effectively once your SEO is setup every click or visitor to your website is free.


Click fraud is another major reason why SEO is superior to PPC. Studies show that at least 18% of click throughs on PPC links on Google were fraudulent. In other words, this could be your competitors clicking through to your website just trying to drive up your advertising costs.


The psychology of clicking on sponsored links. If you appear in both the paid and unpaid search results then you would see about 94% of your website traffic come from the unpaid free SEO website links. There is a psychology associated with consumers clicking on paid advertising links especially if they are labeled as such, like in Google “Sponsored Links”. Searchers see straight through this and know it is a paid advertising link. Consumer preference is placed on the freely generated results and links at a rate of 4 to 1.


Over the period of one year, the cost of setting up the initial SEO campaign will have more than increased the website traffic that an equivalent costing a PPC campaign might achieve. In fact, my Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and Cary clients typically see a 4x improvement in web traffic over PPC alone. That’s four times the amount of traffic clients get just by ranking organically on Google.

In a recent newspaper article in Wake Forest, North Carolina, it was shown that holding a position in the top 3 spots in the search engine results pages for a competitive term is worth an estimated $1.5 million. It was also shown that holding the top spot generates 3.5 times the traffic that the number two spot generates.

When it boils down to it, a well planned out and executed Search Engine Optimization campaign by the Raleigh SEO Company will get your website a LOT more traffic than what you can get via PPC alone. Of course, selling the product or service is then the responsibility of the actual website owner, so make sure you couple your SEO with good website design, extremely clear calls to action and correct marketing principles like using goof color schemes. In my opinion it is vital to get this SEO campaign mix correct so talk to a reputable SEO firm and gain some information on how they can help you.

Contact us today to find out what we can do for your business.